Any member of THUMC planning to enroll in an accredited institution for any post-secondary education, and desiring to receive a THUMC scholarship may submit the Trinity Heights Scholarship form.
• Four year College in Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree Program
• Junior College
• Vo-tech Institution
Scholarships are not limited by age or date of graduation from high school, nor limited to current graduating high school seniors. The congregation shall be notified of the availability of the scholarship and the necessity of making an application by publishing a notice in the months of February and March.
Application deadline is April 1 each year. There will be no applications accepted after this date.
The Christian Education Committee of THUMC will administer the Scholarship.
The Scholarship Committee shall, with information to be provided by the THUMC Endowment Committee, determine by April 15th of each year the amount available for scholarships.
The Individual scholarship amount will depend on the number of applicants and the amount of money available in the Endowment Fund. The amount each year will be determined by the Endowment Committee. The scholarships will be given to the recipients at the beginning of each school year with proof of enrollment. Proof of enrollment at a post-secondary institution is required before funds are distributed. Money may be mailed directly to the school designated by the recipient or paid directly to the recipient whichever the recipient requests.
All applicants may apply for the scholarship as many years as they are enrolled in school as long as the student receives a THUMC Scholarship no more than four years.
The Scholarship Committee will evaluate applications using the following criteria:
• Students applying after receiving the scholarship for one year must have at least a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, be a full time student, and be making progress toward graduation.
• Students will be active members at THUMC.
• High school seniors will provide 10 hours of service to THUMC during their senior year. The time period will run from April 1 of their junior year through March 31 of their senior year. College students will provide 10 hours of service to any of the following: THUMC whenever possible, the church they attend in their college town, or other service organizations. The hours will need to be completed by April 1 and are due with the scholarship application. A list of possible service to THUMC will be provided. All service hours must be signed off by the organization’s administrator.
• Financial need will not be included as criteria for receiving a THUMC scholarship.
• Students attending a United Methodist college are also eligible for a Conference scholarship in addition to the THUMC scholarship.
The Scholarship Committee shall make its selection(s) by May 1. All applicants will receive an equal amount. Each applicant shall receive a letter from the Scholarship Committee announcing the decision of the Committee.
These scholarships are intended to encourage and support higher education of church members.
The Scholarship Committee may interview the candidate(s).
Trinity Heights United Methodist Church Endowment Committee shall manage the investments of the scholarship fund.
As this scholarship fund grows, the scholarship committee may change this policy to include additional years for a student to receive money and change the maximum amount of money to be received by the applicants.
Revised 4/2021