Boy Scouts
Trinity Heights United Methodist Church hosts Boy Scout Troop #127 and Cub Pack #127. Weekly Troop and Den meetings, as well as many summer camping and family outing opportunities are available through this ministry of Trinity Heights.
Cub Scouts for boys aged 1st grade through 5th grade. Broken into age appropriate dens with an adult leader assigned to each den.
Cub Scout Pack 127 meets Monday nights through the school year from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Boys will go camping, work on crafts, learn about the world around them and go on trips throughout the community to learn about their hometown. Pack 127 is the premier cub scout pack in Newton.
Boy Scouts are for young men aged 5th grade through High School. Young men are assigned to patrols which meet as part of a greater troop.
Boy Scout Troop 127 meets Monday nights throughout the year from 7:00 pm to 8:30 PM. Scouts will go camping every month where they will do a variety of activities from caving to canoeing, backpacking to biking. During meetings scouts will prepare and learn about their next adventure. Learn leadership and social skills. Scouts earn traditional merit badges with a 21st century twist. Troop 127 is the largest Boy Scout Troop in Newton and features over 30 boys. We are proud to be the home of 25 Eagle Scouts with many more still to come.
Can you help?
We are asking Trinity Heights members to help with this important ministry of your church through advertising the Scouting program to any youth ages 1st grade through high school that you may know. This could be neighborhood children, your children or grandchildren, or your friend’s children or grandchildren. We are especially looking for youth aged sixth grade and younger to join as these ages need additional members. All boys regardless of church affiliation are welcome to attend Scouting at Trinity Heights. Just invite them to a Monday meeting at Trinity Heights from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Thank you for your support of this effort as we continue to open the doors of Trinity Heights to our neighbors and show them we are a welcoming, supportive church.